Endpoint Protection
Insider Threat Prevention Guide
In a perfect world, trust would never be violated. Cyber defenses would be impregnable. No employee would...
Pervasive Protection: Enabling Secure Work From Anywhere
The new digitally transformed workplace consists of employees that expect to get their work done anywhere....
Lessons from REvil’s Return
Ransomware is not just another buzzword. It is a very real threat to businesses and educational institutions...
5 Benefits of Partnering with Webroot
While cyberattacks continue to evolve in volume, organization, and sophistication, security technology...
CIO Essential Guidance: CISO Security Threat landscape
After a year that saw the largest and fastest transformation in work patterns in history, security teams...
12 Steps for Stronger Ransomware Protection
Over the last few years, we have signed up hundreds of MSPs. We like to ask every new customer why they...
Guidelines for an Effective Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan
Organizations with a cybersecurity incident response plan experience a lower average cost (by $2.46M)...
Microsoft Digital Defense Report
Over the past year the world has borne witness to a burgeoning cybercrime economy and the rapid rise...
Cybercrime Threatens the Digital Funnel
Cybercriminals are employing new attack methods on new digital surfaces, including digital marketing....
Your Path to Zero Trust
In a business world without perimeters and dominated by remote work, finding a balance between easy collaboration...
Cybersecurity Governance for Small and Medium Businesses
Building a foundation to enable cybersecurity governance is key. The cyber threat landscape is constantly...
NAIKON: Traces from a Military Cyber-Espionage Operation
NAIKON is a threat actor that has been active for more than a decade. The group focuses on high profile...
Sophos 2022 Threat Report
Interrelated threats target an interdependent world. We believe that shifting the timescale of attack...
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